Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 9- Weight Loss Update

Today I broke the plateau that had been plaguing me the past few weeks.  I lost 2.5lbs and you know what that means...16.5lbs so far.  Yay!  If you're wondering where the pictures of my daily food have gone.  I'm trying to ween myself off of having to take pics to stay on track.  The way I see it is I can't take pics of my food for the rest of my life. It's just not feasible. But it was an awesome way of getting myself through the first couple of months.  Now I'm mostly just tracking what I eat through myfitnesspal and I will be posting a daily meal once a week or so. Plus anytime I see something blog worthy I will make sure to post it. Hopefully this will help to lose weight without getting burned-out and backtracking like every other diet. Wish me luck!